
by BDream



Super AI, online gaming can see the spectrum re-set, antique Chinese Chess

象棋,亦作“象碁”,漢族棋類益智遊戲,象棋有三千多年的歷史,屬於二人對抗性遊戲的壹種,是全球華人地區最為流行的棋類遊戲之壹。在古代,象棋被列為文人雅士的修身之藝。現在亦被視為是怡神益智的壹種有益身心的休閑方式。它不僅能豐富文化生活,陶冶情操,更有助於開發智力,啟迪思維,鍛煉辨證分析能力和培養頑強的意誌,是古今中外男女老少皆宜的娛樂活動。象棋是由兩人輪流走子,在戰法上遵循古代孫子兵法中的“不戰而屈人之兵,善之善者也。”的作戰思想,以“將死”或“困斃”對方將(帥)為勝的壹種二人對抗性遊戲。對局時,由執紅棋的壹方先走,雙方輪流各走壹招,直至分出勝、負、和,對局即終了。在棋戰中,人們可以從攻與防、虛與實、整體與局部等復雜關系的變化中提升思維能力。象棋歷史悠久,難易適中,基本規則簡明易懂,但內容變化豐富且細膩。無論棋盤棋子文字還是與象棋有關的雅文趣事都體現了中華文化的精髓所在。Chess, also known as "like Acer," Han chess puzzle game, chess has 3000 years of history, are two antagonistic game One species, is the global Chinese region One of the most popular board games.In ancient times, chess was listed as Slim, the Arts and the literati. Now also considered to be refreshing puzzle One species wholesome leisure. It can not only enrich the cultural life, cultivate character, but also help develop intelligence, enlightenment thinking, exercise dialectical analysis capabilities and develop a strong will, men and women at all times is Yuyuehuodong Safe.Chess is walking by two turns promoter, followed Ancient Art of War in the "enemy without fighting the soldiers, the good and good also." Operational thinking on tactics, with "the dead" or "trapped to death" the other side will (handsome) is the winner of two kinds of confrontational One game. When the game, executed by the red chess One side go ahead, the two sides take turns walking One trick until the separation of wins, losses, and, that is the end of the game. In chess battle, one can enhance the ability to change from thinking offensive and defensive, virtual and real, whole and partial complex relationship of.Chess has a long history of moderate difficulty, easy to understand the basic rules, but changes in the content rich and delicate. Whether chessboard with chess pieces of text or related Yavin interesting embody the essence of Chinese culture.修復聯機切磋模式裏的壹些bug